Work Health & Safety Compliance Crackdown for Tasmanian Distilleries
On 19th June 2024, WorkSafe Tasmania announced a compliance blitz across the Tasmanian distillery industry (check their announcement here) in FY25. All local distilleries should prepare themselves, and invest in their WHS before WorkSafe comes knocking,
In June 2024, WorkSafe Tasmania announced a compliance blitz across the Tasmanian distillery industry in FY25 (check their announcement here).
Distilleries produce and store highly flammable liquids, including ethanol, and create risks associated with explosive atmospheres, confined spaces, pressure vessels, electrical safety, chemicals, cylinder storage and pallet racking. The risks are real: In 2021, an explosion at a Tasmanian distillery caused critical injuries to a worker and $2 million damage to the facility.
All local distilleries should plan for a knock on the door from WorkSafe’s inspectors in the near future. If your WHS compliance is not up to scratch, WorkSafe inspectors can use a range of compliance and enforcement measures including:
Distilleries should get ready for WorkSafe’s knock on the door by:
Working out what you need in your WHS management system using WorkSafe Tasmania's Distilleries Guide to Achieving Compliance and WorkSafe Tasmania’s guidance for building a WHS management system.
Making an action plan and working through it to ensure you set up your WHS management system with the controls, documents, systems and tools you need.
If you don’t have the capability or capacity in-house, consider consulting a qualified and experienced WHS professional.